Frontier Mission

What is Frontier Mission?

Despite the amazing Spirit-led growth of the Church around world over the past century, nearly 2 billion of the 7.6 billion people on the planet remain beyond the reach of the Gospel because they are isolated from a witness to Jesus that they can understand by barriers of culture, language, race and religion. Missiologists refer to the distinct clusters of people defined by these characteristics as unreached people groups and efforts to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them as frontier mission.

From TAP’s beginnings, sending Partners to serve unreached people groups has been one of our strategic priorities, as we agree with Paul that, “how can they believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach, unless someone is sent (Rom 10:14-15).”

Long-Term Frontier Mission Service

Below is a list of opportunities to serve long-term in frontier mission that we have gathered from ministry partners.  Due to security considerations, we only provide general information about the opportunities here.  If you are interested in more specific details about a position, please contact us.

The Middle East

  • An international NGO has need for educational teachers, family medicine professionals, and trauma counselors.

  • An opportunity to be a university student studying the local language; the 4-year program includes a scholarship that covers tuition, housing and a $600/month stipend.


Central Asia

  • An English-speaking Christian school for the children cross-cultural servants needs elementary and secondary school teachers, and a secondary school counselor.

  • An international NGO has need of family medicine doctors, clinic nurses, child physiotherapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, veterinary professionals, farming teachers, engineers, welders, technicians, special needs pre-school teachers, computer teachers, and English language teachers.