Is TAP for me?

We’re looking for people...

Missionaries serving through The Antioch Partners (TAP) are part of a fellowship of servants who are serious about being real: real with God, real with each other, and real with those whom they’re serving. We’re looking for people who are in touch with their own brokenness, who are experiencing Jesus’ healing, and who are committed to being “wounded healers” in the world through the power of the Spirit.

We’re trusting God to raise up servants who are living the conviction that prayer is fundamental, who are committed to incarnational, holistic ministry, and who are prepared to live simply for the sake of the gospel. We’re also looking for people who are committed to partnership, and who recognize we have as much to learn as we have to give. Missionaries sent out through TAP will take accountability seriously, and will be committed to developing and maintaining effective relationships with the local churches and individuals with whom they are in partnership.

If you are this kind of person, or desire to become this kind of person, we would love to talk with you about how God might be leading you to serve him in the world through The Antioch Partners.

...who love Jesus, love people, and are passionate about God’s mission in the world.

...who have a dynamic personal faith in Christ, and who are living out their faith in community with others.

...who have a sense of call to cross-cultural ministry, and this call has been confirmed and affirmed by their faith community.

...who are committed to helping others know Jesus, and helping them follow him in every aspect of their lives.

If you want to begin this conversation, please contact TAP’s HR Director, at or 713-490-9571.


The dynamic growth of the global church is taking place in Africa, Latin America and Asia, not in the West. Related to this,

Leadership in mission is shifting to the majority world church. 

This has many implications for us as we participate in God’s mission:

  • Partnership is essential in all our mission involvements, and we will strive for interdependence with our global partners.

  • We must be prepared to serve in an environment characterized by sending from multiple centers of influence throughout the world (“from everywhere to everyone”).

  • We need to prepare those sent out through TAP to serve effectively in cross-cultural teams.

  • We need to approach mission service as learners and servants.

  • We desperately need renewal within our Presbyterian churches here in the US.  We believe participation in God’s mission in partnership with our brothers and sisters from the majority world is an important means whereby we can experience renewal.

  • As Christians from North America, we must understand the dynamics and challenges related to Western missionary affluence.

  • We value and affirm our roots within the Presbyterian church.  We have learned important lessons from our mission history, lessons which we don’t want to lose sight of, or unnecessarily repeat.  At the same time, as we move out to participate in God’s mission, our primary identity is as followers of Jesus, citizens of God’s Kingdom.