Don and Martha Wehmeyer

Don and Martha Wehmeyer have served in Yucatan, Mexico since 1981.

Don is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma (1977) and Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (1981) and he was ordained as a Teaching Elder (PCUSA) in 1982. He received his D. Min. from Columbia Presbyterian Seminary (1998) and was a Millard Scholar at Union Presbyterian Seminary in 1999. Don is also an author of The Discovery - A Pilgrimage of Gifts and Treasures.

Don and Martha have worked with the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico since Don graduated from seminary. Their ministry has focused on three areas: theological education, church planting, and retreat-workshop leadership. In theological education Don has been a professor at the San Pablo Theological Seminary. Don also travels to different presbyteries to give workshops on topics the local Mexican churches request. Don is a visiting teacher at Reformed seminaries in Colombia and Chile.

In terms of church planting, the Wehmeyers have been involved in three church plants that are now self-supporting congregations with their own installed pastors. In the arena of workshops and retreats, Don and Martha are the founders of the Gethsemane Retreat Center in Chablekal, Yucatan. The retreat center is used by Christians from all traditions for spiritual formation, marriage enrichment, and it also serves as a base for frequent short-term mission teams from the U.S.

In addition to their ongoing ministries in Mexico, they are also looking forward to serving local churches and presbyteries in the US which are interested in expanding their Hispanic ministries. Furthermore, Martha has plans to create a diaconate ministry helping local Mexican women generate income for their families using quilting and sewing.

Don and Martha were married in Merida in 1982 and have three children: Valerie, mother of their first grandchild, Kristen, a R.N. in Dallas, TX and David, who graduated college and is looking for work in computer graphics in the Austin, Texas area.


Make checks payable to The Antioch Partners, write “Preference for Wehmeyer Support” on memo line and mail to:

7132 Portland Ave, Suite 136
Richfield, MN, 55423

Marcus dePaula
Marcus dePaula got his start working in the music industry serving as the production manager for Cafe Milano in Nashville, TN in the mid-90‘s, and later went on to work for seven years with Clair Bros. Enterprises in Nashville, TN as a touring live audio engineer and systems technician. He developed his technical expertise and troubleshooting skills in the intense and fast pace touring environment, becoming one of the most sought-after monitor engineers in Nashville. He recently spent three semesters teaching the Technical Track at The Contemporary Music Center in Brentwood, TN, where he had the opportunity to share his expertise and experiences with college students pursuing a career in the music industry. After “retiring” from touring in late 2005, Marcus joined the Audio One Nashville team where he was a CEDIA certified Systems Installation Technician specializing in planning and installing professional recording studios and high end home theaters. Marcus later joined the staff of his church, The Village Chapel, serving as Technical Director where he served for seven years. It was there that his interest in web technologies and services was sparked in building The Village Chapel's new website. Since joining Jenn as co-owner of Mixtus Media, Marcus has honed his technical skills in WordPress and Joomla CMS frameworks, graphics and video for the web, along with other web technologies in support of Mixtus Media's services. He is the technical "braun" to Jenn's brains.

Eric and Debbie Stone